Sales Wisdom was a good use of my time and I recommend the class to any sales professional or anyone in a client facing role. I am a veteran sales professional with over 16 years experience. My previous training has included Holden selling, Powerbase selling, Miller Heiman, Consultative selling, selling to VITO, and customized workshop training (sales role play) for the customer acquisition lifecycle.

Lily Gulik, Principal
Mar 2010

The Sales Wisdom @ C-Level workshop was very informative and provided added insights into the relationship side of selling. The role-playing and subsequent critiquing was very useful.

Thomas Salva, Bde
Mar 2010

Just to let you know – this was the best virtual session I have had so far – a lot of interaction and you were extremely well prepared for online teaching!

Christian Saugman, Acct Exec
CSC Denmark
Feb 2010

The course was structured well and it was a good refresher to ” must do’s” in sales which we generally forget but are important to any sales process. Peter’s style of delivery and discussions on real life sales scenarios made it more captivating. I was extremely happy with the course.

Prakash Thomas, VP Sales and Marketing
CSC Asia
Feb 2010

Overall it was a great course and continued to build off the first two courses. I really enjoy Peter’s leadership and sales knowledge. Looking forward to 104 and using more of his techniques.
I think we got off track a little and had to rush through the last part of the course.

Michael Lauro, Principal
Feb 2010

The workshop was phenomenal. From the material to the personal interactions; on the money insight and teachings!!! Peter really gets it, and isn’t satisfied til you ‘get it’. Thank you!!!

Jeff Ozolins, Principal
Dec 2009

I just wanted to say what a fantastic job you did at our sales retreat last Wednesday. It was one of the more productive group sessions we’ve ever had, and everyone learned a lot from it. You even floored some of our senior reps with your knowledge. Truly great job.

Zach Wolfel, Account Executive
5280 Publishing
Nov 2009

The CSC AELC workshop was useful to me and very well delivered. Good mix of theory and practice, and ample opportunity for the participants to relate the content of the workshop to their own real world situations (during the workshop). Enjoyable too. Good mix all round.

Barry Orr, Director Product Rollout
Oct 2009

Both our salesperson and I agree this was the very best of all the classes of yours that we have attended Peter. I finally think I’m getting a handle on at least the attitude and mindset needed to do cold calling with the best chance of success. I’m am extremely grateful to you for all the hard work you must have put into these classes in order to give us the benifit of your experience and knowledge on the subjects we have discussed, and especially the way the training itself was given in a relaxed yet challenging atmosphere to help us to grow and learn. Thank you so much. By the way it looks as if the sales manager here has had some success with one of my appointments I set him up with just recently (and I attribute it to me using what I have learned, and the increased confidence your classes have given me). Thank you so much again.

Joanne Roney, Inside Sales
Roney Software
Sep 2009

I have attended the Sales Performance Accelerator program for a year now and most recently attended the RELATE 104 workshop. They do a fantastic job relating the material to any field of business, as well as applying it to everyday life. The classes are informative and interactive, allowing the students to consider specific situations and practice techniques. I definitely feel my sales performance has improved since starting these classes.

Justin Bodien, National Account Executive
Sep 2009