This class reinforced the understanding that everyone is a product of a unique environment and subjected to influences that form their personality… which in-turn is reflected in their conversations. To get a read on what makes an individual behave the way they do provides a good basis for structuring one’s approach to influence that person. I understand the idea of open, honest dialog is a positive start for getting conversations headed in what will ultimately be the pre-determined direction I have saught. Showing interest in others generally gets things started out in the right direction. (Give others ‘points’… and let them talk and build rapport!)

The class has made me step-back and contemplate more on what another person(s) may be feeling… and to then try to come up with a mutually constructive means for reaching the decision that I am hoping for.

Mark Degroat, CAD Coordinator
Feb 2011

I found the workshop very relevant and plan to apply some of the techniques immediately. Well worth the time invested.

Steve Miles, Marketing Manager
Feb 2011

Relate 101-103 Training — Excellent Thought Provoking Training. A must for every professional.

Venkat S, Product Engineer
Feb 2011

The sense of our negotiations is exactly the sense that we are able to give them……and sometimes the SILENCE in the best way to get amazing results.

Jorge Flores-Garay, Senior Research Engineer
Oct 2010

A good friend of mine told me for years “perception is more important than reality”. The RELATE workshops demonstrated he was right. The way an idea (new design) is communicated is as important as what is putin print.

Eduardo Mondragon, Senior Product Engineer
Sep 2010