The CSC AELC workshop was useful to me and very well delivered. Good mix of theory and practice, and ample opportunity for the participants to relate the content of the workshop to their own real world situations (during the workshop). Enjoyable too. Good mix all round.

Barry Orr, Director Product Rollout
Oct 2009

Clear, interactive, interesting lesson. It left me with some thoughts on how I can improve my aproach to answering difficult questions and get the client talking. I am looking forward to the next sessions.

Amelie Geddis, Account Executive
Oct 2009

The courses provide subtle and profound changes to the way you approach and conduct meetings, as well as a safe environment to practice. They also give you more confidence, which increases the effectiveness of your approach and how people respond to you.

Mike Silverman, Senior Strategy Specialist
Oct 2009

Enjoyed the start of these classes – certainly makes one more aware of their persona and how best to channel the positive aspects with clients to generate and build a relationship.

Lawrence Caruso, Partner
Oct 2009

Both our salesperson and I agree this was the very best of all the classes of yours that we have attended Peter. I finally think I’m getting a handle on at least the attitude and mindset needed to do cold calling with the best chance of success. I’m am extremely grateful to you for all the hard work you must have put into these classes in order to give us the benifit of your experience and knowledge on the subjects we have discussed, and especially the way the training itself was given in a relaxed yet challenging atmosphere to help us to grow and learn. Thank you so much. By the way it looks as if the sales manager here has had some success with one of my appointments I set him up with just recently (and I attribute it to me using what I have learned, and the increased confidence your classes have given me). Thank you so much again.

Joanne Roney, Inside Sales
Roney Software
Sep 2009

I’ve completed Sales Wisdom 101, 102 and 103. They deliver powerful, useful information, tools and techniques in a fresh way. The 3 hours fly by because they are very good at getting attendees to open up and share ideas and experiences through role playing. In addition to using the new concepts introduced in the 103 course we used what we learned in the previous 2 so it was a great way to review. Great courses! And what a bonus to have support for 2 months following the class. Thanks again!

Julie Toeniskoetter, Senior Manager
Sep 2009

Great class Peter and especially enjoyed the additional role play time. Looking forward to “Sales Wisdom 105” 🙂

Jeff Johnson, Senior Consultant
Sep 2009

Immediately I found tips to address current situations. I emailed my colleagues and gave them a few tips on responses with our clients that we were struggling to answer. They were thrilled in how the tips generated a different response that kept the client engaged in the selling process.

Louise Kenney, Senior Consultant
Aug 2009

Great materials with real world results. Looking forward to Sales Wisdom 104 !

Marc Pearl, Senior Architecture Specialist
Aug 2009

Found the Sales 101 class “provocative and practical” – Good advice in any endeavor.

Ron Johnson, Partner
Aug 2009